Google Stadia made its debut yesterday with some undeniably impressive tech. Google’s entering the video game console race without a console, but rather the ability to stream 4K/60 fps games onto any device that can run Chrome, complete with more reliable multiplayer (since it’s all on Google servers) and crazy features like local split-screen running on separate Stadia instances.

One thing that was mostly absent from Google’s presentation yesterday, however, was the games themselves. Google made one high profile partnership announcement with Ubisoft, a company known for latching onto anything that might be new and successful in the gaming sphere in case it works out, and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is the go-to demo for how Stadia works. We also saw Id announce that Doom Eternal would be on Stadia running at 4K/60 fps, but…that was it, really.

There is one constant in the console space right now, in that we know that every big release from Activision, EA, Take Two, Ubisoft and all the rest will be released on both PlayStation and Xbox at launch. Until Google can say the same for Stadia, that’s a significant barrier to entry. And I don’t think it’s a guarantee that all these big publishers will necessarily sign their games up for Stadia.

Activision and Sony have an extremely close relationship and have for years. Sony is the company most threatened by these new streaming plays from Microsoft, now Google and potentially Amazon if they’re not planning one themselves, as they seem poised to released PS5 in a year or two staying true to the traditional “buy this box” format which served them well this past generation. Activision also has its primary port of entry on PC as the Blizzard launcher, which would be functionally obsolete if all its titles were instead offered through Stadia streaming on Chrome. Activision is also the largest publisher in the world, so it has market power unlike its rivals to dictate terms about where its games might go.

EA and Microsoft are equally close, and I have to imagine that Microsoft has done everything in its power to woo EA to make sure that its games appear on Microsoft’s upcoming streaming service, because Xbox does not have enough first party titles to make that work on its own. And if Microsoft locks EA into its own streaming service, that means no Battlefield, Battlefront, Anthem, Apex Legends or sports games on Stadia, theoretically.

Take-Two is a wildcard, and I found the most curious part of the Stadia presentation the beginning where they showed a number of “gaming icons” at the start, including a set of clearly western themed ones. The implication was that Red Dead Redemption 2/Online would be announced for Stadia and yet…it wasn’t.

Epic Games, maker of Fortnite, the biggest game in the world available on PC, PS4, Xbox, Switch and mobile, has just opened up their own storefront to try and compete with Steam on PC. Lending Fortnite to Stadia to be run on any device with Chrome would seem to undercut that existing set-up.

Even Ubisoft didn’t announce that all their games would be available on Stadia. Will The Division 2? Will the next Far Cry? We have no idea.

It is entirely possible that Google just throws enough money at everyone to make this happen, but I do see significant barriers where it’s possible one or many of these publishers may avoid Stadia for any of the reasons I’ve mentioned, or others I’m not even considering. And while the Stadia presentation showed a screen full of game engines and tools that would work within the new gamedev framework there, they did not show a screen full of developer and publisher logos as announced partners. And this is a service that is supposed to come out in the next eight months.

On top of this, we’re glossing over the entire issue of first-party games. Yes, Google did announce that Jade Raymond is leading a new first-party studio for Google, but Microsoft, Nintendo and PlayStation have been creating first-party titles for decades, and they remain the biggest draws of those consoles. I have no idea how long it will take Google to start producing its own AAA games (none were announced or shown today), and there’s also little guarantee they’ll be Nintendo/Sony-level must-plays. Google’s first party ambitions seem years and years away with little guarantee of what we’ll see when we arrive at its first releases.

All of this leads me to the final question, who exactly is the audience for Stadia? That question can’t even really be answered yet because Google isn’t giving out basic information like whether or not Stadia is a subscription service or if players will be flat-purchasing games for use on Stadia. But I guess I’m wondering who is going to fully switch over to Stadia instead of a traditional console if A) Google can’t get every big third party on board and B) it isn’t producing first-party titles to compete with its rivals and C) if players don’t have reliable enough internet to make the entire process work at all. I can currently envision Stadia as a good addition to owning a traditional console if say, I’m on vacation and want to pick up my Xbox save of The Division 2 and just play it on Chrome on my laptop. But full-on replacing a console would require a game catalog that rivals consoles, and I have seen no signs that Stadia has that in this initial presentation, which seemed too focused on other, more random features like “connecting” YouTubers and viewers and odd gamedev tools like reskinning world textures to look like Starry Night.

Stadia feels like a long, long term play for Google, but until we know more about where it will be at launch, traditional console gaming does not feel like it’s in imminent danger, even if streaming may indeed be the far-flung future.